Important Notice
Prior to the release of SQA & JCQ exam results, we have a period when we are unable to access our accommodation portal or any data relating to accommodation applications. Therefore, we cannot answer any enquiries during the embargo period as outlined below:
Monday 29th July at 18:00 (UK Time) until Thursday 15th August at 08:00 (UK Time) inclusive
Thank you for your patience during these periods.
Please note we are unable to accept applications for accommodation during the embargo periods above.
This means that queries relating to your application for accommodation will be responded to after the end of the embargo period which is 8 am on 15th August 2024. Please note that we will begin issuing offers of accommodation from 15th August onwards.
Please note that we receive a large volume of enquiries once the embargo period is over. You may find it difficult to contact us via telephone or experience delays in receiving an email response, but please be reassured that the team will endeavour to respond to any queries as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your patience during this period.
Applications closed during embargo
Please note we are unable to accept applications for accommodation during the embargo periods above.
Welcome to the University of Strathclyde Accommodation Portal
If you have applied to study at the University of Strathclyde and currently hold an unconditional, or conditional offer of study you can apply for University accommodation.
Please log in to the portal to make or manage your application, respond to an offer, complete your induction and make check-in appointments.